
docker pull proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp: lookup http.docker.internal on 192.168.65… timeout

After upgrading to macOS 14.1 my docker installation stopped woring and when I tried to pull an image it answered with the following error message: is the configured docker internal network of Docker Desktop. It was running on defaults and I wasn’t aware of any manual changes. DNS of my host system worked properly:

docker pull proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp: lookup http.docker.internal on 192.168.65… timeout Read More »

How to create docker containers for multiple platforms / architectures

First you need to choose a base image that is available for the target platforms as well. Create your Dockerfile as usual and then build the container for different platforms. This example would create an amd64 and a aarch64 (arm64/v8) image: Based on these you can create a manifest and upload it: This would already

How to create docker containers for multiple platforms / architectures Read More »